Located in the heart of Silicon Valley, California, the County of Santa Clara is home to 1.7 million residents including technology hubs Apple, Cisco and Adobe. The county’s Social Services Agency is responsible for the welfare and well being of children across Santa Clara.

Meet the Mobile Transformer

Mary Shamouel is the Chief Information Officer for the County of Santa Clara’s Social Services Agency. Mary is not only responsible for the information technology and systems that support her organization but is always looking for innovative solutions to support their mission and transform public sector services.

What business challenges did the County’s Social Services Agency face?

The Social Services Agency is tasked to address the wide variety of needs among the county’s 1.7 million residents. Despite servicing the tech epicenter that is Silicon Valley, the agency’s employees were handcuffed by inefficient processes and outdated technology that required workers to input and access information only by returning to their desks, reducing the amount of time they spent with their clients in the field.

With an increase in demand by caseworkers for mobile access to their systems, the agency needed a modern mobile solution, but starting from scratch was not an option. With over two decades of information in the statewide Windows-based system as well as custom logic required for handling specific cases and data across teams, the county needed an option that would extend their current capabilities without losing valuable time and resources building and deploying a new solution.

Delivering Mobility that Matters

In partnership with PowWow Mobile, Shamouel and her team spearheaded the digital transformation of their complex legacy applications into a modern native mobile app that could be deployed across a wide range of Android-based smartphones and tablets, empowering employees to work on critical cases from anywhere at any time, enabling a truly mobile workforce.

“In partnership with PowWow Mobile, we’ve transformed the way in which we deliver critical services to the most vulnerable parts of our population, ensuring our case workers leverage the latest technology to be productive and efficient.”


To learn more about Santa Clara’s path to digital transformation, click here for the full case study.