Today, when it comes to the idea of enterprise digital transformation, the question is no longer, “Should we do it,” but, “To what extent should we do it?” The digital transformation of any business is an absolute necessity for survival as more and more businesses rely on—and succeed because of—the willingness to shift and pivot business practices and tools into a digital environment.

But while the idea of more digital transformation is always a good one, there’s one major barrier to entry, and that is balancing the amount of efficiency digital transformation can bring to business operations when properly implemented, with the sheer amount of effort required to create a system that helps—not hinders—an existing business operational structure.

The Low Code Solution

This is where a concept known as “low code” can be a valuable solution in the integration process. Traditional programming is complex, requiring years of experience and expertise—usually focused on a small group of highly trained individuals—to carry out. To create the first computer networks, websites and software used by everyday employees required huge amounts of technical know-how that concentrated important digital work in the hands of just a few qualified individuals.

Today, however, things are changing. Enter “low code.” 

How It Helps

There are quite a few advantages for businesses that decide to start on a low code development platform, to begin with. The biggest perks are:


A low code platform can be as big or as small as a business needs it to be, but the great part is that the size isn’t fixed. If the business grows and needs to scale up, low code can often accommodate more users and demand. 

More Collaboration

In the past when it came to applications or inter-corporate software, the needs of different employees or departments had to go through one gatekeeper who then had to prioritize which requests or features to implement. With a low code approach, teams, departments and individual employees can collaborate, directly participating in the process, and ensuring that the features or functionality they need to get in and remain compliant with other business needs.

More Efficiency

And of course, a low code development platform means more people are able to work directly to suit their needs, meaning less demand on the technology department. This frees everyone up to customize functions or features as needed, and leaves IT and tech departments free to work on much bigger, demanding projects, rather than micromanaging what amount to simple, but tedious to implement chores.

Interested in learning more about how low-code development can help your business? Let’s chat.